Stocks of simple joint-stock comapny and shareholders' rights

Stocks are characterised by permanent vote ratio independent from future issue of shares. The company can hold:
· Priviledged stocks;
· Founder stocks;
· Silent stocks – those stocks are priviledged in terms of dividend, but at the cost of renouncing the right to vote;
· Stocks are tradable but cannot be introduced into organised trading system, in accordance to Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments. The stock trading system is based on the one that treats the topic of selling dematerialised securities. The written form is required to be able to sell stocks

The stockholders’ rights look as follows:
· Disbursement rights (from the shared capital [art. 30015 and art. 30016 CCC]);
· The right of supervision (art. 30024 CCC);
· The right to transfer stocks (art. 30036 CCC);
· The right of priority (art. 30042 CCC);
· Compulsory redemption right (art. 30044 § 4 i art. 30045 § 2 CCC);
· Right to demand exclusion from the company (art. 30050 CCC);
· Right to participate in the bodies of the company, as well as managing board (art. 30067 § 3 in accordance to art. 30062 § 3 CCC);
· Right to vote in general assembly (art. 30080 CCC);
· Rights of minority shareholders (minority rights – art. 30083 CCC and also art. 30085-30086 CCC);
· Right to participate in general assembly (art. 30095 CCC);
· Right to contest the stockholders’ resolutions (art. 300101 CCC);
· The right of priority to take up new shares (art. 300106 CCC);
· The right of share of the amount left after the liquidation of the company (art. 300121 §3-7 CCC).

under pain of being declared null and void.

  • Clients: Ethan Hunt
  • Completion: February 5th, 2017
  • Project Type: Villa, Residence
  • Architects: Logan Cee