New possibilities for entrepreneurs
Simple joint-stock company i san anwser to spotted challenges of the modern economy, in particular the area of forms of running a business. It is based on two basic assumptions - first is the simple nature of business' practice - easy set up, operation and, eventually, liquidation of the simple joint-stock company. Second is on the other hand flexibility - designed laws do not hold down the freedom of the shareholders, when it is not necessary
Informations regarding Simple joint-stock company
1. Simple joint-stock company
2. How to set up simple joint-stock company?
3. Financial structure of simple joint-stock company
4. Stocks of simple joint-stock comapny and shareholders’ rights
5. Dissolution and Liquidation of Joint-stock Company
6. Who can form a simple stock company?
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Criminal liability in a simple joint-stock company
The provisions of the Commercial Companies Code precisely define criminal liability related to the operation of a simple joint-stock company...
Non-cash contributions in a Simple Shareholding Company
Non-cash contributions in a Simple Shareholding Company The structure of the structure of the Simple Joint Stock Company affects its...
The board of directors or the board of directors?
The board of directors or the board of directors? Until the advent of the simple joint-stock company form, the dilemma...